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Is Soy Causing Moobs? Apr 02, 2015

In the vernacular, they are known as “moobs”, “moobies”,”breasticles” or “bitch tits.”   The medical term is “gynecomastia.”   Whatever, they’re called, so many of our boys and young men are growing breasts that surgeons...

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Soy for Weight Loss? Fat Chance! Mar 04, 2014

As Americans get fatter and fatter, the soy industry has stepped up its efforts to promote soy as the ticket to weight loss.  In school cafeterias soy is presented as the “healthy” meat and dairy alternative that can prevent childhood obesity.    In health food stores...

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Why Soy Can Harm the Thyroid and Contribute to Weight Gain Dec 08, 2013

Soy is a common ingredient in weight loss products though it can actually cause weight gain!  In fact, more than 70 years of scientific studies link soy to thyroid disorders, most often manifesting as hypothyroidism with its familiar symptoms of weight gain, fatigue, lethargy,...

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Soy and Prostate Cancer: What Men Need to Know Sep 01, 2013

It’s National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and the soy industry will most likely be out tying on light blue ribbons and shilling soy milk, soy powders and soy nuts as the ticket to manly health.   This year, however, I’d suggest they start singing the blues.

With one out of...

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The Dark Side of Soy Dec 15, 2012

Need a short summary of my book The Whole Soy Story?  Need the main dangers spelled out?   I wrote this article for the British magazine Caduceus  and it answers the most frequently asked questions.   For a more thorough discussion and more complete references,...

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Is There โ€œHiddenโ€ Soy in Your Eggs and Meat? Oct 07, 2012

Since 2005, when The Whole Soy Story:The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food was published, many readers have shared stories of allergic reactions to eggs, dairy and meat from soy-fed animals.  Not a lot of science supports this just yet, but four studies indicate...

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