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Engaging Your Child's Brain Oct 24, 2023

The brain has a remarkable ability to change and heal.

That means hope for adults suffering from dementia, stroke, and other injuries and for children diagnosed with autism, Asperger’s, sensory integration disorders, ADHD, cerebral palsy, congenital brain malformations and other developmental disea...

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Connecting Neighbors -- Creating Food Security May 27, 2022

Zen Honeycutt wants to help Americans grow their own food, share it and achieve better health and food security one block at a time.

Honeycutt founded the Neighborhood Food Network (NFN) to “transform the food supply in America and beyond. That means taking on the food industry and creating a paral...

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Live Better Longer by Giving Blood. And Help Your Community Too. Apr 21, 2020

With all the distressing news about the corona epidemic, people are asking what they can do to help. My best answer is to give blood.  

Blood donation is literally a way to give life blood to our communities. As the Surgeon General put it, “You can still go out and give blood. We’re worried about p...

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Cancer and Cartilage: 31 Cases Apr 15, 2020

In the book Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World, I discuss the life’s work of Dr. John F. Prudden (1920-1998), who researched bovine tracheal cartilage extensively and found it had a powerful and consistently positive effect on wound healing, arthritis, cancer and other di...

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Does your food need a bath? Apr 09, 2020

Does your food need a bath?  

The CDC says coronavirus survives poorly on food, but Timothy Newsome, an associate professor at the University of Sydney and a specialist in infectious disease and viruses, insists that ‘every surface is a hazard’ and that includes fruit and vegetables. 

I do not kno...

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The Gift of Blood Mar 28, 2020

With all the distressing news about the corona epidemic, people are asking what they can do to help. My best answer is to give blood. 

Blood donation is literally a way to give life blood to our communities. Despite orders for us to stay mostly at home, the U.S. Surgeon General has urged us to go o...

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A Big Dose of Codswallop Jul 13, 2018

Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF), sent a letter this week to members of her non-profit organization assuring them once again that Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) is safe. For anyone with doubts, she recommends listening to a podcast she produced la...

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Nothing Woo Woo about this Doctor May 16, 2018

Is there a connection between cancer and autoimmune disorders?

Do bone broth, collagen, cartilage and other supplements that target connective tissue help? 

Dr. John F. Prudden’s research certainly suggests so, and there was nothing woo woo about him. He worked with the best and brightest, publish...

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Can you regenerate your cartilage? Mar 08, 2018

Most people believe it’s inevitable for cartilage to go downhill with aging, and that regeneration is improbable if not impossible. Cartilage, after all, doesn’t have its own blood supply to bathe damaged tissue and provide factors promoting regeneration.

Yet I’ve heard from hundreds of people who ...

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A Kick Ass Flu Remedy Feb 22, 2018

There’s a major  flu epidemic out there. Even people who don’t ordinarily get sick have found themselves seriously ill this winter with incapacitating headaches, fevers, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea and/or vomiting. It’s been so bad that people who say they would never see doctors, have been scare...

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